Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA
10, rue Bisson – 75020 Paris
tel +33 (0)1 42 49 80 24
S.A.R.L. au capital de 9 130€
SIRET 482 187 671 00029
RCS 482 187 671 Paris
N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR 854 821 87671
Code APE 7111Z
Inscrit depuis le 19/04/2005 au Tableau de l’Ordre des architectes de la région Ile-de-France (148, rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin – 75010 Paris), sous le n° d’Ordre S10226
Publisher : Benjamin Colboc, Partner
Managing Editor: Pauline Lefort, Communication, research and development director
2, rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix
SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA makes verified information and tools available to the users of this site, but cannot be held responsible for errors or lack of availability of certain information. We would be grateful if users of the site could inform us of any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an email to the office.
Our aim is to provide accurate and up to date information. We will make every effort to correct mistakes of which we are made aware.
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Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA authorizes the use of hypertext links to its content as long as it does not lead to confusion as to the source and/or content and provided that:
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AREP shall be held harmless of site content and the links to sites over a hypertext link from www.arep.fr. The information provided for persons accessing the site was selected on a particular date. Consequently, although it may not have been updated at the time of consultation, Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA shall be held harmless for any and all errors and omissions.
Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA shall ask for the removal of a link if those rules are not respected.
The logo of Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA cannot be changed – proportions, colors, elements, constituents – and cannot be subject to a transformation, animation or any other process.
The logo of Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA shall b associated only with reliable information.
Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA has the right to approve or reject any use of its logo, as to ensure that it is being used correctly, in accordance to ethic, morale and its interests.
Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without notice.
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Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA does not use any automatic collecting of data (cookies, applet java or active X).
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Any data disclosed are subject to France’s Informatique et Libertés Data Privacy Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended by Act No.2004-801 of 6 August 2004. In this respect, users are entitled to access, modify and delete any and all personal information concerning them (Arts. 39, 40 of Informatique et Libertés Act, amended). You may sent a request by writing to Colboc Sachet architectures – COSA – 10 rue Bisson – 75020 Paris.